japanese is hard
At 6:05 p.m. on 2003-09-19

Bad Warui wah-rue-ee

Beautiful Kirei kee-rei

Big Ohkii oh-key

Cheap Yasui yah-soo-ee

Clever Rikoh ree-koh

Difficult Muzukashii moo-zoo-kah-she

Easy Yasashii yah-sah-she

Empty Kara kaa-raa

Expensive Takai tah-kah-ee

Far Tohi toe-he

Firm Kakai kah-kah-ee

Full Ippai ee-pie

Good Yoi yoh-ee

Heavy Omoi oh-moh-ee

Hot Atsui at-soo-ee

Near Chikai chi-kah-ee

Small Chiisai chii-sai

Quick Hayai hah-yah-ee

English Japanese Pronunciation

Bird Tori to-ri

Cat Neko ne-ko

Chicken Niwatori ni-wa-to-ri

Cow Ushi oo-she

Crab Kani Kah-ni

Dog Inu ee-nu

Duck Ahiru ah-he-ru

Ferret Shiroitachi she-row-ee-tah-chi

Fish Sakana sah-kah-na

Fly Hae Ha-eh

Fox Kitsune keet-soon-eh

Goose Gacho ga-cho

Horse Uma oo-ma

Lobster Ise-ebi i-see-ee-bee

Octopus Tako tah-ko

Oyster Kaki kah-kee

Pig Buta boo-ta

Pigeon Hato hah-toe

Racoon Tanuki tah-new-key

Squid Iku ee-koo

Trout Masu mah-soo

Wolf Okami oh-kah-mee

Black Kuroi koo-row-ee

Blue Aoi ah-oh-ee

Green Midori mee-doh-ree

Pink Momoiro mo-mo-ee-row

Red Akai ah-kah-ee

White Shiroi she-row-ee

English Japanese Pronunciation

Daugther Musume moo-soo-may

Father Chichi chee-chee

Husband Shujin shoe-gene

Mother Haha hah-hah

Older Brother Ani Ah-knee

Older Sister Ane Ah-nay

Son Musuko moo-soo-coh

Wife Kanai Kah-Nah-ee

Younger Brother Otohto oh-toe-toe

Younger Sister Imohto ee-moh-toe

Apple Ringo ring-oh

Bread Pan pahn

Coffee Kohii koh-hee

Egg Tamago tah-mah-go

Fruit Kudamono koo-dah-mow-no

Meat Niku nee-koo

Milk Gyunyu gyu-nyu

Soup Suupu soo-poo

Tea Ocha oh-cha

Vegetables Yasai yah-sah-ee

Water Mizu mee-zoo

One Ichi ee-chii

Two Ni knee

Three San sahn

Four Shi she

Five Go go

Six Roku roh-coo

Seven Shichi she-chii

Eight Hachi hah-chii

Nine Kyuu kyuu

Ten Juu joo

Eleven Juu Ichi joo-ee-chii

Twelve Juu Ni joo-knee

Thirteen Juu San joo-sahn

Twenty Ni Juu knee-joo

Twenty Five Ni Juu Go knee-joo-go

Then & Now


�My Lil Warning�
This is my thoughts,my rants,my lies,my,mistakes,my tears,my smiles,my world..and how i see it..

: 6 pacs, aim, being annoying, being crazy, black, black eyeliner, black nail polish, bleeding, blue eyes, books, boys, breaking the habit, bugging people, cd players, cell phones, changing who i am, chatrooms, chatting, chester, chocolate, coloring my hair, com, computers, cut, cutting, death, diaryland, dragons, driving, eating, eating glass, evanescence, faeries, feeling, fighting, friends, from the inside, games, glass, goddesses, gothic guys, green eyes, guys in make up, guys on the skateboards, holes, homerunner, hot topic, huggles, kisses, kittens, knifes, lieing, linkin park, linkinpark, lp, lptv, lying from you, lyrics, m&m's, mike, mock trial, morbid art, morbid thoughts, movies, numb, orange, orlando, pixies, poems, posters on my walls, puppies, purple, pushing me away, radios, razorblades, reading people thoughts, screaming, singing, skateboards, spikes, story of the year, sucide, thumb rings, tv, vampires, violet and claire, werewolves, wicca, writing