In ThE eYeS oF a LoNeLy GiRl
At 9:32 p.m. on 2003-09-11


i have someone to hold me tight so why em i so lonely?i have someone to say i love you too so why em i so lonely if i was standing here screaming do you like you would hear me?

maybe yes maybe no but i dunno i need you i want you i love you so why em i so lonely...i get ot see your face and feel your embrace but i feel outta place

like its not real likes its sireel..its it love or just a crush will i have to hurt you and leave you in the dust..if i do promise you wont say i love you and need you and want you with every breath i take if i go say i nothing to gain from your pain.say you hate me say you never loved me say you'd really scream then kiss me..tell me a lie so i can go why do i have to love you so?

it hurts it bleeds guess thats just what loves still dont hear hurts to love it hurts to leave what the hell em i suppose to bring?life love or just a fantasy?lust over rust.wishing i could let you go but still wanting your touch needing your breath on my neck.fuck me.need me .want me.say you'll leave me.bite me.kiss me.hate me.but dont say you love me..

it hurts to live or to give this pain inside is eating me alive i hate it i hate you but sonme how i love you.yell at me.hit me.curse me.cut me.beat me.kill me.and guess what i probably still love you and miss you.but hate you too.itsd hard to live with nothing to give.its hard to breath without you needing me.what the hell is worng with my i'm writing to help myself get though this pain and its not even my gain if loveing hurts then love kills.does that make sense or should i take this other mom tryed to do it so why cant i what gives her the right to give up but i cant.see me standing here all alone with nothing to give.this is life so deal with it.friends pain.families struggles

school sucks.but is fun yet hard sometimes with all these feelingsd i've kept inside.i loved him i wanted him but i was nothing to him not i have someone who i'm donig waht he did to me.i'm no better then he is.i use.i beat.i love.i eat.i kill.i bleed.i kiss. i hug.i am.i want what i dont have.iwant him.but you want me see what kind of hell love you could die this it how i feel i just keep writing and feeling even more lost is this love or just a curse will it feel good when i hurt.wake me up inside

i'm sorry i cant be.........perfect.i am beautiful no matter what they say.

headstrong i'll take you on.i wana run away and never say goodbye!

~shit happens deal with it.

~4:19 got a min.

~4:20 BlAzE

~4:21 got munchies

ever wonder why someone who finally got what they've wanted for like ever isn't happy with it theres something wrong with it..but couldn't you just be happy couldn't you just feel inside the moment?i'm gunna stop talking about me for amin and take a min to reflect on this day...becuz i think its imporant..people died today..alotta people lost there lives.all becuz of some country's pride.who cares there lives are gone we should feel sorry and honor all of them not turn into terroists and go and kill a bunch of other people its stupid its lame its just a damn game and people are pawns.lives that dont matter.but its not true they say life/love makes the world go round but its not its money.lives should be more preious then anything not worth a ccouple million.....but the fucking goverentment donest give a fuck of chourse they wanna make everyone think they do..but its all a lie.

FoR lOvE aNd PeAcE


Then & Now


�My Lil Warning�
This is my thoughts,my rants,my lies,my,mistakes,my tears,my smiles,my world..and how i see it..

: 6 pacs, aim, being annoying, being crazy, black, black eyeliner, black nail polish, bleeding, blue eyes, books, boys, breaking the habit, bugging people, cd players, cell phones, changing who i am, chatrooms, chatting, chester, chocolate, coloring my hair, com, computers, cut, cutting, death, diaryland, dragons, driving, eating, eating glass, evanescence, faeries, feeling, fighting, friends, from the inside, games, glass, goddesses, gothic guys, green eyes, guys in make up, guys on the skateboards, holes, homerunner, hot topic, huggles, kisses, kittens, knifes, lieing, linkin park, linkinpark, lp, lptv, lying from you, lyrics, m&m's, mike, mock trial, morbid art, morbid thoughts, movies, numb, orange, orlando, pixies, poems, posters on my walls, puppies, purple, pushing me away, radios, razorblades, reading people thoughts, screaming, singing, skateboards, spikes, story of the year, sucide, thumb rings, tv, vampires, violet and claire, werewolves, wicca, writing