la de da de dai GENOCIDE la de da de duh
At 1:29 a.m. on 2003-08-17

i love anime and em a gothic chick YAY!

okies i'll start with what happend last night(friday..)i went over to brittney's house thinking we were gunna have the same boring night((sitting on our asses being dumb))but nope we got drunk YAY!!!it was fun becuz i got so hammered lol i was sooooooo drunk i had like 10 beers..i was spining and pukeing

lol but for a little while i wasnt worried about getting school clothes i wasnt worried about what i was gunna do with about Jesse....i wasnt worried about my friends hurtting themselves or other ppl it was bliss.even thou i had to pee every min and was spinning.and when i was getting drinking the beer the only thing in my mind was a Quote i heard somewhere-PEOPLE ONLY DRINK TO FORGET SOMETHING...OR TO GIVEIN TO SOMETHING~i was forgetting my problems and my friends pain..ether that or for a couple hours i didnt really care...

then we went to sleep and about 5:00 in the A.M. and woke up at about 11:00am six hours of sleep and i was SO hung over oh my god it sucked i opened my eyes and the almost killed me...oh that and my head hurt like hell and i was dizzy too.oh and sick to my stomache.i remember thinking"i'm never getting drunk again fuck it"but then i thought "it takes away the problems the pain so when i get another chance i'll get drunk even more YAY"then we ate something and went shopping with Shana and her boyfriend Trevor((he's kinda cute not really i'd never go out with him))and we went everywhere..but first we went to HOT TOPIC (( that place is so cool i'm going school shopping there)) and there were so many ppl oh my god it was so bad..and me with a hang over it wasnt very fun..until some cute guys came in to hot topic it was was named ummz Jake he was SO cute.but anywayz then we got to leave and i got my hand smacked in to a door it hurt like hell.went to burlington coat factory(preppy store)) then to factory 4 you its cool cuz you can get shirts were you can decide on what you wanna put on it..i'm gunna get like two hooded sweat shirts ((hoodies)) and on one i'm gunna get THIS WORLD IS MADE UP OF LOVE AND PEACE! and in small letters

VASH,the on the back TRIGUN...its gunna be red.then on a black one i'm gunna get BLACK SHEEP written on the back then on the front REM as cuz its my nick yeah i'm gunna get a costum template for this with vash i think or some other anime or both i dunno i gotta see if some designer person will do it for me.on the boy thing ok the jesse thing i think i'm gunna dump him he's avoiding me so yea and he lied to me couple of times i hate it when ppl lie to me((even though i lie i'm such a damn hypacrite)

but anywayz my fingers are hurting for typeing so much i dont think i've ever typed this much...i'm kinda worried about micheal he's been though so much pain he doesnt deserve to hurt so much no one does..brian ether he should'nt be hurting~GET WELL GUYS!!!!SOON~poor brittney she really loved that asshole of a boyfriend tristan...bastard.well i'm gunna go and got to sleep YAY!!sleep sounds very good to me so BYE

love and peace


Then & Now


�My Lil Warning�
This is my thoughts,my rants,my lies,my,mistakes,my tears,my smiles,my world..and how i see it..

: 6 pacs, aim, being annoying, being crazy, black, black eyeliner, black nail polish, bleeding, blue eyes, books, boys, breaking the habit, bugging people, cd players, cell phones, changing who i am, chatrooms, chatting, chester, chocolate, coloring my hair, com, computers, cut, cutting, death, diaryland, dragons, driving, eating, eating glass, evanescence, faeries, feeling, fighting, friends, from the inside, games, glass, goddesses, gothic guys, green eyes, guys in make up, guys on the skateboards, holes, homerunner, hot topic, huggles, kisses, kittens, knifes, lieing, linkin park, linkinpark, lp, lptv, lying from you, lyrics, m&m's, mike, mock trial, morbid art, morbid thoughts, movies, numb, orange, orlando, pixies, poems, posters on my walls, puppies, purple, pushing me away, radios, razorblades, reading people thoughts, screaming, singing, skateboards, spikes, story of the year, sucide, thumb rings, tv, vampires, violet and claire, werewolves, wicca, writing